The τ Recorder API
Dart API: startRecorder
You use startRecorder()
to start recording in an open session. startRecorder()
has the destination file path as parameter. It has also 7 optional parameters to specify :
codec: The codec to be used. Please refer to the Codec compatibility Table to know which codecs are currently supported.
toFile: a path to the file being recorded
toStream: if you want to record to a Dart Stream. Please look to the following notice. This new functionnality needs, at least, Android SDK >= 21 (23 is better)
sampleRate: The sample rate in Hertz
numChannels: The number of channels (1=monophony, 2=stereophony)
bitRate: The bit rate in Hertz
audioSource : possible value is :
voiceDownlink (if someone can explain me what it is, I will be grateful ;-) )
path_provider can be useful if you want to get access to some directories on your device.
Flutter Sound does not take care of the recording permission. It is the App responsability to check or require the Recording permission. Permission_handler is probably useful to do that.
Last updated
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