Recording or playing Raw PCM INT-Linerar 16 files

Recording PCM.

Please, remember that actually, Flutter Sound does not support Floating Point PCM data, nor records with more that one audio channel.

To record a Raw PCM16 file, you use the regular startRecorder() API verb. To play a Raw PCM16 file, you can either add a Wave header in front of the file with pcm16ToWave() verb, or call the regular startPlayer() API verb. If you do the later, you must provide the sampleRate and numChannels parameter during the call. You can look to the simple example provided with Flutter Sound. [TODO]


Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();
String outputFile = '${tempDir.path}/myFile.pcm';

await myRecorder.startRecorder
    codec: Codec.pcm16,
    toFile: outputFile,
    sampleRate: 16000,
    numChannels: 1,


await myPlayer.startPlayer
        fromURI: = outputFile,
        codec: Codec.pcm16,
        numChannels: 1,
        sampleRate: 16000, // Used only with codec == Codec.pcm16
        whenFinished: (){ /* Do something */},


Last updated