The dτ Project README

The τ (tau) Project is a set of libraries which deal with audio :

  • A player for audio playback

  • A recorder for recording audio

  • Several utilities to handle audio files


τ is a library package allowing you to play and record audio for

  • iOS

  • Android

  • Web

τ provides both a high level API and widgets for:

  • play audio

  • record audio

τ can be used to play a beep from an asset all the way up to implementing a complete media player.

The API is designed so you can use the supplied widgets or roll your own.

The τ package supports playback from:

  • Assets

  • Files

  • URL


The τ package includes the following features :

  • Play and Record τ or music with various codecs. (See the supported codecs here)

  • Play local or remote files specified by their URL.

  • Play assets.

  • Record to a live stream Stream

  • Playback from a live Stream

  • The App playback can be controlled from the device lock screen or from an Apple watch

  • Play audio using the built in [SoundPlayerUI] Widget.

  • Roll your own UI utilizing the τ api.

  • Record audio using the builtin [SoundRecorderUI] Widget.

  • Roll your own Recording UI utilizing the τ api.

  • Support for releasing/resuming resources when the app pauses/resumes.

  • Record to a Dart Stream

  • Playback from a Dart Stream

  • The App playback can be controlled from the device lock screen or from an Apple watch

Supported platforms

τ is actually supported by the following frameworks:

  • Flutter (Flutter Sound)

In the future, it will be (perhaps) supported by

  • React Native (Tau React). (Not yet. Later).

  • Cordova (Tau Cordova). (Not yet. Later).

  • Others (Native Script, Solar 2D, ...)

Supported targets

τ is actually supported by the following OS :

  • iOS

  • Android

  • Web

In the future, it will be (perhaps) supported by

  • Linux

  • others (Windows, MacOS)

What about Flutter Sound ?

We just changed the name of the project, because we want to encompass others frameworks than Flutter.

We need help

τ is a fundamental building block needed by almost every mobile project.

We are looking to make τ the go to project for mobile Audio with support for various platforms and various OS.

τ is a large and complex project which requires to maintain multiple hardware platforms and test environments.

Last updated