τ under Flutter

The τ Project under Flutter.

Flutter Sound

Flutter Sound is the first (and actually the only) implementation of the τ Project. This Flutter plugin is supported by :

  • iOS

  • Android

  • Flutter Web

Maybe, one day, we will be supported by Linux, Macos, and even (why not) Windows. But this is not top of our priorities.

Flutter Sound branches

We actually maintain two branches for Flutter Sound :

  • The V5 branch (the version ^5.0.0)

  • The master branch (actually the version ^6.0.0)

SDK requirements

  • Flutter Sound requires an iOS 10.0 SDK (or later)

  • Flutter Sound requires an Android 21 (or later)

Examples (Demo Apps)

Flutter Sound comes with several Demo/Examples :

The examples App is a driver which can call all the various examples.

Last updated